This is a time of pivotal change. Our societal systems, actually our whole civilization are in the midst of profound upheaval. Everyone takes part in this, and all of us will undergo unprecedented changes. Yet the potential for a regeneration of our whole way of being coming along with these changes is by far greater than we can imagine.
Having grown up in material wealth in the postwar era of the 20th century, most of us have not learned to make use of the prolific energy emerging out of chaos, as a basis for creation. Yet every one of us is a focal point of change. At any time, we have the possibility to begin with sowing our seeds, to actively take part in changing this world to the better.
What you need is: willpower, an enthusiastic attitude towards life, the gift of leniency in dealing with yourself and others and – an intelligent astrologer endowed with sanity and reason. In case you’re lacking in one of the first three fixings – relax, you can learn that.
Your “destiny“– in simple terms the situation you are in, at this given moment – is your starting point. With the assistance of your parents, your children, your partners and spouses as well as other fellow human beings, by way of genetic encoding and resulting from your Karma, and as a consequence of your achievements and fatuities in life you somehow managed to get there. Now is the time to take on an active part in life – now is the time to create success, abundance, health and happiness, actually with respect to the material, as well as with respect to the spiritual realm of existence.

Astrology is the concept that Time is not only measurable in terms of quantity but that Time is also a constituent factor of life on Earth that carries with it an inherent quality. This concept of an explanation of time bears remarkable resemblance to the definition of time according to Einstein’s theory of relativity. With his theory of relativity, Einstein had introduced Time as a constituent building block of reality, rather than time merely being something that “simply passes by”. In quite a similar way in which time and space are connected in Einstein’s theory of relativity, consciousness is connected to a kind of meaningfulness depicted by events at the sky. This understanding, of course, implies vital consequences for our view of the world: Any and all events have an inherent meaning; profound layers of consciousness are bound to seemingly outward events. Yet on the other hand, we are no victims of astrological influences of any kind. While it is true that we cannot escape the effects of astrological influences on Time, it is also true that we have the potential – and are actually intended – to weave the astrological influences resulting in a certain quality of Time into our existence. It is thus by our own choice that we are to become the makers of our destiny.
„Know thyself“– the ancient adage that was inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and that was so highly cherished by Socrates and Plato in their teachings as well as by many other wise women and men, today is more important than ever before. We now must recognize our potential to solve our personal problems. Since this is the only way to prepare ourselves for solving the planetary problems of our civilization on this Earth; this is the only way to bear the challenges we are facing in preserving Life on this planet.
We are able to draw into our lives what we really want, what we desire at the bottom of our hearts. Astrology is the art of recognizing the intrinsic quality of Time and provides us with the essential assistance we need in this process of drawing our own time lines, of implementing the potential of consciousness into reality.
With the order forms on the following subpages (“Individual Analysis“, “Love and Relationship“, “Children“) you can order “your horoscope” (or the horoscope of your child/children and/or partner, respectively. Please note that the text for a children’s horoscope is available in German language, only.).
“Your horoscope” is an extensive explanation of the individual constituent astrological factors that are relevant with respect to the point in time and the place on Earth you were born. It is not a fairytale forecasting the time when a prince will be popping into your life or when the Wizard of Oz will appear to hand you a bag with the money that you deem necessary for happiness and fulfillment in life.
Love and abundance – like anything else in existence – come from within.
This compendium of your horoscope gives you a description of your inner, of your psychic landscape. It is a roadmap for the exploration of your inner self – your inner selves. It provides you with a starting point, with food for thought on how to get where you want in life. You will learn how to make use of challenging constellations in your horoscope instead of being used by them.
The price for one horoscope is EUR 125, for a children’s horoscope EUR 95 (as indicated above, children’s horoscopes are available in German language, only).
If you wish to receive a paper copy of your horoscope by mail instead of an electronic version via e-mail, please indicate this by checking the respective box on the order form. For a paper printout of your horoscope please add printing, postage and handling costs (EUR 12.50) to the amount of your order.
Upon receipt of the full amount of your order, your horoscope will be sent to your e-mail address as indicated, or to your address by regular mail if desired.
Of course you can also order your horoscope by regular mail.